Here at MCS, we strive to put our faith to action in tangible ways. This includes leading by example and giving the students opportunities to worship, talk about God, and partake in community outreach programs together.
Praise Service
On Friday mornings we gather as an MCS community for Praise Service. Students take turns leading our Praise services (usually by grade) and have opportunities to lead in prayer, scripture reading and worship. We invite guest pastors, missionaries, and community leaders to bring their experience to the students.
Each class takes time in their day for devotions and prayer. This time often gives them a chance to slow down and reflect on their relationship with God. Teachers can guide this as a group activity or “quiet time” for personal prayer and reflection.
The MCS staff also gathers weekly to join together in prayer over each other and our student body.
Teaching for Transformation
MCS began integrating Teaching for Transformation (TfT) in 2018 and it has been just that, a transformation for the way teachers are teaching and students are learning. It is a beautiful tool that helps integrate faith into all subject areas and helps challenge the kids to own and connect both their learning and their faith and see their role in God’s story.
The 3 basic elements to TfT:
Deep hope: It guides the teachers’ teaching and helps keep learning relevant. This is what teachers want their students to remember 60 years from now.
An example of a deep hope here at MCS is: “My deep hope is that we develop an authentic love for Christ, the One who loves us most, and that our love moves us to joyfully be like Christ and bring shalom to the world.“
Storyline: Storylines can be thought of as short “taglines” that simplify the deep hope and engage the students.
An example of a storyline at MCS is: Loved by God and showing His love to others.
Through lines: The language we use to connect our learning with our faith. These include:

All three of the above elements get incorporated into daily learning. Each class is challenged to use these to develop formational learning experiences throughout the year. Formational learning experiences (FLEx) are active ways students are taking their learning and engaging in the world beyond the classroom.
FLEx Projects
Each class is challenged to develop formational learning experiences throughout the year. Formational learning experiences (FLEx) are active ways students are taking their learning and engaging in the world beyond the classroom.
Examples of FLEx projects done at MCS: creating a compost area, food drive for local food pantries, appreciation drive by for law enforcement and healthcare workers, quilt making for The Hope Project, Book Drive for a Little Library, Christian Care Appreciation Day, Stories and Interviews with Christian Care residents.
These projects show students how they have an active role in God’s story.
Want to learn more about TfT? Stop by MCS for a tour and see it in action!