Do you have a heart for our mission at MCS? You can give to our ministry with your time, your prayers and your financial support.
Your support helps families in our community who want to equip their children to make an impact in this world for the Lord. The MCS Development Department is dedicated to Biblical principles through the encouragement of charitable stewardship benefiting MCS students, families and staff. Muskegon Christian School is a 501c(3) non-profit organization and as such all gifts are tax deductible and will be receipted.
A note to the generous anonymous donors of MCS:
Dear Friend of MCS,
Because of you:
300 children are reaping the benefits of a Christian education centered on the redeeming love of Jesus. Opportunities exploring God’s wonderful and amazing world through outdoor education become possible. The ability to connect with and serve people from other parts of the world through the Spanish Immersion program are presented. This was made possible by your generous, inspirational, and consistent support over these many years.
You were there during some very difficult times and were the embodiment of God’s faithfulness.
Your support over the years has been critical. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
– Board, Staff, Families, and Students of Muskegon Christian School